Diese Seite beschreibt unsere Cookie-Richtlinie für https://www.naturhaus-altmuehltal.de. Wenn Sie diese Cookie-Richtlinie nicht akzeptieren, nutzen Sie diese Website bitte nicht.
Diese Website verwendet Cookies aus verschiedenen Gründen, über die Sie (als Webnutzer:in) im Folgenden mehr erfahren können.
Durch die Nutzung der Website erklären Sie sich mit der Verwendung von Cookies und anderen Technologien, wie in dieser Richtlinie beschrieben, einverstanden. Wir sind uns darüber im Klaren, dass einige Benutzer mehr individuelle Kontrolle über ihren Besuch auf unserer Website wünschen und ihre Einstellungen entsprechend anpassen können. Sie können alles darüber in dem Abschnitt unten "Wie man Cookies kontrolliert und löscht" nachlesen. Wenn Sie mit einer solchen Nutzung nicht einverstanden sind, sehen Sie bitte von der Nutzung der Website ab.
Damit fast jede moderne Website ordnungsgemäß funktionieren kann, muss sie bestimmte grundlegende Informationen über ihre Nutzer sammeln. Zu diesem Zweck legt eine Website auf den Computern ihrer Nutzer:innen so genannte Cookies an, kleine Textdateien. Diese Cookies sollen es der Website ermöglichen, ihre Nutzer:innen bei späteren Besuchen wiederzuerkennen oder anderen Websites zu gestatten, diese Nutzer:innen für einen bestimmten Zweck zu erkennen.
Cookies können auf verschiedene Weise klassifiziert werden. Zum Beispiel:
Wir verwenden Cookies der ersten und dritten Partei. Im Folgenden finden Sie alle von uns verwendeten Cookies.
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
lodgify.com |
__cfuid |
checkout.lodgify.com |
checkout.lodgify.com |
ASP.NET_SessionId |
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
icdbcdn.com |
__cfduid |
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
lodgify.com |
_gid |
lodgify.com |
_ga |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_gid |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_ga |
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_c6y |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_c5e |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_e5e |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_g4s |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_l6n |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_s6e |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com |
ngx_geoip_cc |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_XXXX_XX_defaults |
checkout.lodgify.com |
ngx_geoip_cc |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_XXXX_currency |
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
websites-static.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_c6y |
websites-static.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_c5e |
cdn.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_XXXX_XX_defaults |
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
.lodgify.com |
_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_gat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Host |
Name |
Beschreibung |
.google.com |
Gebrauchsdauer: 6 Monate |
Die meisten Browser akzeptieren Cookies automatisch, aber Sie können die Einstellungen Ihres Browsers ändern, um Cookies zu löschen oder die automatische Annahme zu verhindern, wenn Sie dies wünschen. Im Allgemeinen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, zu sehen, welche Cookies Sie erhalten haben, und diese einzeln zu löschen, Cookies von Dritten oder von bestimmten Websites zu blockieren, alle Cookies zu akzeptieren, benachrichtigt zu werden, wenn ein Cookie ausgegeben wird, oder alle Cookies abzulehnen. Besuchen Sie das Menü "Optionen" oder "Einstellungen" Ihres Browsers, um die Einstellungen zu ändern, und besuchen Sie die folgenden Links für weitere browserspezifische Informationen.
Cookie-Einstellungen im Internet Explorer
Cookie-Einstellungen in Firefox
Cookie-Einstellungen in Chrome
Cookie-Einstellungen in Safari
This page describes our cookie policy for https://www.naturhaus-altmuehltal.de/. If you do not accept this Cookie Policy, please do not use this site.
This Website uses cookies for a variety of reasons which you (the web user) may learn about below.
By using the Website, you agree to the use of cookies and other technologies as set out in this policy. We appreciate some users may like more individual control over their visit to our website and can adjust their settings accordingly. You can read all about this in the section below "How to control and delete cookies". If you do not agree to such use, please refrain from using the website.
For almost any modern website to work properly, it needs to collect certain basic information on its users. To do this, a site will create files known as cookies – which are small text files – on its users’ computers. These cookies are designed to allow the website to recognize its users on subsequent visits, or to authorize other designated websites to recognize these users for a particular purpose.
Cookies can be classified in several different ways. For instance:
Session cookies are temporary cookies stored in the
browser's memory just until the browser is closed. Their purpose is to
control the page elements shown to a user during a single multi-page
visit to a website, and for other short-term storage purposes.
Persistent cookies are longer-term cookies that are
tagged by the issuer with an expiration date. Persistent cookies can
track your activity not only on the site that issued the cookie but also
on any site that includes a resource issued by the same site.
First-party cookies are cookies created by the site you're currently visiting.
Third-party cookies are cookies added by a domain that is not the domain you are currently visiting. The most common use of third-party cookies is to track users who click on advertisements and associate them with the referring domain.
We use first and third parties cookies. Find below all the cookies we use.
Host |
Name |
Description |
lodgify.com |
__cfuid |
associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load
times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security
restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It
does not contain any user identification information. Lifespan:a month |
checkout.lodgify.com |
cookie is used by sites using the .NET technology platform from
Microsoft. It enables the site to maintain an anonymous user-id to
track unique users within a session without them logging in or
otherwise identifying themselves. Lifespan:2 months |
checkout.lodgify.com |
ASP.NET_SessionId |
purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written with Microsoft
.NET based technologies. Usually used to maintain an anonymised user
session by the server. Lifespan:Session |
Host |
Name |
Description |
icdbcdn.com |
__cfduid |
Description:Cookie associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information. Lifespan:a month |
Host |
Name |
Description |
lodgify.com |
_gid |
Description:This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited. Lifespan:a day |
lodgify.com |
_ga |
cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a
significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service.
This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a
randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in
each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and
campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set
to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website
owners. Lifespan:2 years |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_gid |
Description:This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited. Lifespan:a day |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_ga |
cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a
significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service.
This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a
randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in
each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and
campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set
to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website
owners. Lifespan:2 years |
Host |
Name |
Description |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | _ldgfy_c6y |
Description:This cookie is used to save currency values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | _ldgfy_c5e |
Description:This cookie is used to save language values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | _ldgfy_e5e |
Description:This cookie is used to save date search values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | _ldgfy_g4s |
Description:This cookie is used to save guest search values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | _ldgfy_l6n |
Description:This cookie is used to save location search values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | _ldgfy_s6e |
Description:This cookie is used to save date search values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
naturhaus-altmuehltal.lodgify.com | ngx_geoip_cc |
Description: This cookie saves the visitors country based on the IP, to personalize the website contents. Lifespan:Session |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_XXXX_XX_defaults |
cookie is used to save some default values for the visitor country
(like the currency or language used) so it can be used to personalize
the website Lifespan:a year |
checkout.lodgify.com |
ngx_geoip_cc |
Description: This cookie saves the visitors country based on the IP, to personalize the website contents. Lifespan:Session |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_XXXX_currency |
Description:This cookie is used to save currency values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:a year |
Host |
Name |
Description |
websites-static.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_c6y |
Description:This cookie is used to save currency values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
websites-static.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_c5e |
Description:This cookie is used to save language values for the visitor so it can be used to personalize the website Lifespan:Session |
cdn.lodgify.com |
_ldgfy_XXXX_XX_defaults |
cookie is used to save some default values for the visitor country
(like the currency or language used) so it can be used to personalize
the website Lifespan:a year |
Host |
Name |
Description |
.lodgify.com |
_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Description:Google Analytics Lifespan:a few seconds |
checkout.lodgify.com |
_gat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Description:Google Analytics Cookies Lifespan:a few seconds |
Host |
Name |
Description |
.google.com |
Description: Lifespan:6 months |
Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can alter the settings of your browser to erase cookies or prevent automatic acceptance if you prefer. Generally, you have the option to see what cookies you have got and delete them individually, block third party cookies or cookies from particular sites, accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is issued or reject all cookies. Visit the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu on your browser to change settings and check the following links for more browser-specific information.
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari